" ... practice makes perfect "      - stellentpmp aka Andrew
stellentpmp.blogspot.comContent Server

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fixing ssUrlPrefix for HTTPS (vs HTTP)

If you host a site studio site using HTTPS, you may notice some links being incorrectly generated by server-side scripts (ie. ssGetServerRelativePath); specifically, the home page "URL Directory Name" being used as a prefix. This results in broken links, but are otherwise valid when viewed via HTTP.

The reason for this is because the value of ssUrlPrefix changes when using HTTPS (most likely "/home/") vs. HTTP ("/"). Unless you want your homepage to be, for example, http://stellentpmp.blogspot.com/home instead of http://stellentpmp.blogspot.com, ssUrlPrefix should be consistent throughout the site.

So how do we fix this?